Homemade “Premium” Vanilla Extract

Making your own homemade vanilla extract is so easy and tastes so much better than store bought. It takes a little time steeping in the alcohol...but it is definitely worth the wait. Homemade vanilla also makes wonderful gifts during the holidays. I like to use Dark Rum when making homemade vanilla extract for superb … [Read more...]

Creamy Vanilla Bean Frappe (famous coffee shop) *

This frozen-frothy drink is quite similar to the very popular "Vanilla Bean" drink available at that famous coffee shop...you know the one that's on just about every corner and even located in many supermarkets. This version though, in my opinion is much BETTER :) Did you know the famous coffee shop version has a whopping … [Read more...]

‘Real’ Vanilla Milk *

This drink is as simple as it gets........and tastes absolutely refreshing anytime of day or night! It is an easy way to use those empty vanilla bean pods that you scraped the seeds out of for another recipe. If you want to make this milk drink and don't have any empty vanilla bean pod, you may cut a fresh vanilla bean in … [Read more...]

Cooking God's Way - www.cookinggodsway.com