Vanilla Cupcakes

These vanilla cupcakes are simple and easy to make. They are soaked overnight in order to neutralize phytic acid, which makes them more digestible and nutritious. Read more about phytic acid in whole wheat. Frost them with either Dark Chocolate Ganache OR Whipped Cream-Cheese Frosting, they taste great both ways (chocolate ganache is shown in photo).

12 to 24 hours before you wish to make the cupcakes: In a mixing bowl, combine the flour, vinegar, and milk. Stir until moistened throughout. Cover and let set for 12 to 24 hours to soak.

The next day, or when you are ready to BAKE the cupcakes: Preheat oven to 375F. Line mini-muffin pan OR regular-sized muffin pan with paper cupcake liners, set aside.

In the mixing bowl with the soaked flour, stir in the oil, honey (or maple syrup), and vanilla.

Whisk in the egg, salt, and baking soda until no lumps remain.

Ladle (or spoon) batter into the lined muffin pan. Fill no more than about 2/3 of the way.

Bake in preheated oven:

Minis take about 10 minutes
Regulars take about 15 minutes

Makes about 3-dozen Mini Cupcakes OR 1 1/2-dozen Regular Cupcakes.

Frost these cupcakes with Dark Chocolate Ganache OR Whipped Cream-Cheese Frosting.

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Disclaimer: The information in this post is meant for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice. None of the opinions are meant to diagnose or treat any disease or illness. You should always consult your healthcare provider.


  1. The spelt flour I am using has already been sprouted. Do I still follow the recipe as written?

    • Deb, I have not tested this recipe using sprouted spelt flour so I could not tell you for sure. If you do try it let us all know how it works out. Thanks 🙂

  2. Joy Price says

    I’m making these cupcakes today, I wanted to try them out before making them for my son’s birthday party on saturday. Just out of curiosity- have you ever froze them before? I.e. I would freeze some of them (after baking) and then de-thaw them saturday morning and put icing on just before serving. Thoughts? I don’t want to dry them out.

    • Joy, thanks for writing. Unfortunately I can’t give you any info from my personal experience, because I just don’t have it. I have not attempted to freeze these cupcakes (or any for that matter). Though I did a quick search and found that a lot of bakers have had success freezing cupcakes if they were baked properly and sealed properly (to avoid freezer burn and drying out). You can take a look at the info here:

      I wish you success on making the cupcakes and hope that they are well enjoyed.

  3. Hi… can the milk and acv be replaced for milk kefir?

  4. Rebecca Miller says

    These sound great but I need them in a hurry, do they have to be sat or can they be made and cooked? Also I don’t have access to raw milk, can I use A2 instead?
    Thank you

    • Rebecca, you can use any kind of milk that you have in the recipe.

      As far as making the cupcakes without the soaking process… nutrition aside, I cannot say how the recipe will turn out if you do not follow the soaking step.

  5. Jacquelyn says

    Has anyone tried this recipe using whole wheat flour? I have never worked with spelt and I have a big bag of wheat berries to go through.

    • Jacquelyn, I have not tried it with regular wheat. I have a feeling it would turn out a much denser cupcake, since spelt is a lighter flour more comparable to whole wheat pastry flour.

  6. Thanks so much for this recipe! I have struggled to find a good-for-you cake or cupcakes for my childrens’ birthdays, and usually have to sacrifice taste for nutrition, or vice-versa. This will be our birthday recipe from now on! I love it as cupcakes, but my daughter turned 11 yesterday and I could tell that she wasn’t thrilled about cupcakes, since they are traditionally for younger kids. So I made your recipe into a cake. I doubled it and baked it in two 8 inch pans for 35 minutes. I frosted it with the dark chocolate ganache and it was a huge hit! It is so good. I am so thankful for all your hard work and experimenting. Thanks!

    • DeeAnn, it was so good to have met you back in July for the Lacto-fermentation class. I love meeting others who are taking the steps towards better health for their families well-being.

      Please tell your daughter that I am so glad everyone enjoyed the cake and that I hope she had a wonderful birthday.


  7. These are awesome! Make sure you go into it with the thought that they won’t be as sweet as you are used to, as they have no sugar, and you will enjoy them! I just fed these with the cream cheese icing to 7 kids and they all loved them! I will be making the chocolate ones next week for a birthday party. I can’t wait!

    • Glad to hear the cupcakes were enjoyed. This is correct that these cupcakes are no where near as sweet as the typical cupcakes out there. But, that is how we like our food, that way you can actually taste IT…not just sugar. Yes these cupcakes are free of refined sugar, they just use natural honey…which is one of natures best sweeteners. If needed one could increase the honey slightly for a little more sweetness (maybe up-to 1/2 cup).

      Hope the Birthday Party goes well and everyone has a great time! 🙂


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