A Readers Question, Answered In 3 Parts.

Recently a Cooking God’s Way reader posted a question to me; What foods are good to avoid cancer? It is such a good question that I wanted to address it here on the blog for all to partake of. The answer may surprise some of our readers, while others will understand and nod approval.

First, I want to start off by stating there is no one way to avoid cancer. Just like there is no magic pill, food, or action that will keep you from any physical disease, ailment or whatever you term the issue. Now that we have the disclosure out of the way lets start down the road to good health.

Notice I said road a path could not handle all we are going to speak about. There are many different aspects that make up good health, which results in disease avoidance. Staying healthy is a lifestyle choice that is never ending, full of education, requires constant alertness, always has action and requires you to be in the game. Wow! Sounds like a lot, well so does driving a car if you break it all down, but we do it most everyday and continue to exist. God gave us remarkable abilities, we just have to use them.

Ok, back to our topic.

Part I, It all starts with the mind. We have to make a choice to want to be healthy. Then comes the education part where we start to read and study what good health is. Remember good health includes mental health. So, we need to examine how we think, not only about health but everything in life. (i.e. having an attitude of always being the victim, does not allow you to take control of your life.) Now please excuse me for moving on, this topic could fill many books and has a great number of experts in the field that are way beyond me.

Next, What is the energy flow of your body like? Your nervous system has to be free and operating with as few blockages as possible. The brain and nervous system are the first parts of our body to be developed when we are growing in our Mom’s. Nerves are in contact with every organ and control the function of every body part. Cut the nerve and you can’t walk, it is that simple. If you don’t currently partake in Chiropractic care look into finding a good wholecare doctor, that believes in many of the things we have outlined here. Beware of the crack and pop guys that just offer pain relief, enough said.

Part II, Nutrition is the next part, it provides the building blocks of the body. You are what you eat! To keep the body healthy we have to eat the best way we can, which supports a strong immune system. A strong immune system helps keep disease at bay. Are you eating fresh live foods packed full of nutrients or dead processed, boxed, canned food. Remember living things take time to grow and mature. How can we think that fast foods can supply our needs when everything else takes time to accomplish. 5 Ways To Help Make An Immune System Strong!

Find foods that are more natural. An example of that would be raw foods and lacto-fermented foods. These foods have their nutrients, enzymes, etc., intact and the body is able to easily use what they have to offer. A good place to start understanding lacto-fermented foods is with this article; Lacto-fermented Vegetables & Fruits…Give Them a Try. Lacto-fermented foods are a great boost to the immune system.

Toxicity is the other half of good nutrition. Avoid pesticides and toxins in your foods by buying organic foods from good sources. Use guides when shopping to be sure and get clean vegetables and fruits; Organic Produce: When is it Important to Buy? Don’t forget your meats! Quality meats from animals that have been raised a more natural way, (free range, grass fed, etc.). The body needs to be detoxified often as we live in a polluted environment that can’t be escaped. Food alone can’t detoxify your body so be sure to detoxify your body at least once a year.

Water makes up over 75% of our body. Drink good and enough daily, from a home water purification system. This is one of the biggest steps toward helping to keep your body clean and functioning. We like Berkey water systems, see our review.

Part III, Exercise is so important. We are bodies of motion, stop moving and sooner or later we stop, period! Exercising keeps the body fit and functioning at a better level. Taking a walk daily keeps the lymph nodes stimulated and they are a major part of fighting health issues. Human Growth Hormone is produced when the body exercises, which aids in healing. Movement keeps our joints fluid and working, move, move, move.

I could go on and on about how exercise helps the body stay healthy, but that is what other blogs are for. There are so many different forms of exercise out there that I am sure you can find one that will work for you. Till you do start by taking a walk, park that car at the back of the parking lot and walk-in briskly, do something, just get off that bottom of yours.

Wow, I hope you are now understanding all that health is not just one part of who we are. This article has just brushed the surface. Remember, good health is a life long road to travel. Wave when we pass on the road!!! 🙂

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Disclaimer: The information in this post is meant for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice. None of the opinions are meant to diagnose or treat any disease or illness. You should always consult your healthcare provider.

About Jeff

Jeff Pearce is a board certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant and has coached hundreds of people in the Dallas/Fort Worth to help them achieve their health goals. If you would like more information about his services view the Health Consultations section. For those not in the physical area Distance Coaching is an option. A 15 minute "No Cost" informational consult is available, by phone, to chat and answer questions about services. To schedule your no cost informational consultation please contact us .

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