Ebola Truth – Battle Won?

With all the news about Ebola being negative I wanted to share with you some triumphs and the truths behind how they overcame it. How does this apply to us when the news in the US is still trying to scare the *$#% out of us? After all, when you understand the truth about certain things you can gain freedom, and that is a … [Read more...]

Viruses, Immune System, Secret Improvements

Watch the news for a few minutes and you will hear about some outbreak of; Influenza, H1N1, West Nile, Enterovirus D68, AIDS, or Ebola. Wow! Stop the train... I want to get off! What is going on? Remember when we were kids? There was nothing like this happening! So what has changed? What can we do about these seemingly … [Read more...]

Ebola Q&A with Added Common Sense

After posting the article Ebola, Take the Quiz, Rest Easy, I received many questions that I felt were very important. And as it is, the news media is doing a very poor job of answering them. Let me tell you, there is a lot of conflicting data on Ebola out there. Even the CDC and WHO websites conflict with each other on some … [Read more...]

Ebola, Take The Quiz, Rest Easy

Ebola, it is all over the news today! There is now 1 confirmed death in Dallas, TX, just miles from our home. This is the hot topic of today and I have been asked by many if I am concerned about it. My answer: "No, not really!" Now I understand that sounds really uncaring or totally ignorant, but let me share with … [Read more...]

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