Without Water You’re Drunk!

I know you're thinking, What are you talking about?! If I don't drink water I will be intoxicated? I know this sounds like some late night commercial, but becoming dehydrated does affect brain function. Skipping water does not give you a buzz, but it can have you perform simple tasks with the same amount of mistakes as a … [Read more...]

Ebola Truth – Battle Won?

With all the news about Ebola being negative I wanted to share with you some triumphs and the truths behind how they overcame it. How does this apply to us when the news in the US is still trying to scare the *$#% out of us? After all, when you understand the truth about certain things you can gain freedom, and that is a … [Read more...]

Viruses, Immune System, Secret Improvements

Watch the news for a few minutes and you will hear about some outbreak of; Influenza, H1N1, West Nile, Enterovirus D68, AIDS, or Ebola. Wow! Stop the train... I want to get off! What is going on? Remember when we were kids? There was nothing like this happening! So what has changed? What can we do about these seemingly … [Read more...]

One Food To Avoid On Vacation!

We are all out looking to relax before the school season starts backup again. No matter how hard we try to do well with our eating habits this one food keeps popping up. Vacations are not even safe! Recently we made a tip to Galveston, TX to enjoy the beach and I was amazed with the many forms the sinister food took … [Read more...]

Water, Easy Health Change

We have all heard the saying, "You are what you eat." How about a slight twist, "You are what you DRINK." The human body is made up of over 90% water. Your blood that transports nutrients is 82% water; your muscles that move your body are 75% water; your lungs that provide oxygen to your body are 90% water; your brain the … [Read more...]

Cooking God's Way - www.cookinggodsway.com