Ebola, Take The Quiz, Rest Easy

Ebola, it is all over the news today! There is now 1 confirmed death in Dallas, TX, just miles from our home. This is the hot topic of today and I have been asked by many if I am concerned about it. My answer: “No, not really!” Now I understand that sounds really uncaring or totally ignorant, but let me share with you…

Ebola Information

You may be asking why I am even writing about Ebola on a food website, but I have been hearing so many false facts about it that I wanted to set some things straight. First, and most important, is to understand how one can become infected with Ebola. I have worked out a simple one question quiz to help you discover the truth about why I am not really concerned. All facts are from the CDC website… and they are supposed to be the experts.

Do I have Ebola or am I at risk of getting it?

1. Have I come in contact with or touched the vomit, saliva, sweat, blood,
urine or feces of someone who might have Ebola?



I don’t have Ebola!

Yes it is that simple! Ebola is transferred only by contact with the body fluids of a person that is displaying symptoms. Until an infected person displays symptoms they are not contagious. I am not belittling the concern of Ebola, just trying to put some minds at ease. Now lets cover some deeper facts about Ebola.

What Is Ebola?

Ebola is a zoonotic pathogen, which means that the original hosts were animals. Ebola is a virus, just as AIDS is a virus and both of these viruses are spread by contact with body fluids. Unlike AIDS, Ebola has a very fast affect on the human immune system if a person becomes infected. The CDC is stating that up to 21 days is needed for symptoms to be come evident.

Symptoms Of Ebola

Symptoms of Ebola over time become increasingly severe and may include: nausea and vomiting, fever, diarrhea, red eyes, raised rash, chest pain and cough, stomach pain, stomach pain, severe weight loss and in less than 50% of the cases there is bleeding from eyes, ears, nose and rectum.

Who Gets Ebola?

Ebola is passed by coming in contact with the body fluids of a person who is infected. If you notice, Ebola thrives in areas of poor personal hygiene. As we are seeing, this is why many 3rd world countries in Africa are dealing with Ebola. These countries do not have the common facilities we take for granted for personal hygiene. It is also being seen that Ebola attacks people with a weakened immune system, often accompanied with malnutrition due to poor quality foods.

Now is it making sense why this is an issue in Africa?

How Many Have Died From Ebola?

Since Ebola has struck in Africa where there is a shortage of medical professionals to begin with, the reporting of deaths is not extremely accurate. At last report the number is around 3,400. While this number sounds large lets compare it to the yearly flu deaths of around 36,000 that doctors quote often. What about the WHO’s report of 1.5 million yearly deaths from AIDS.

In no way am I dismissing the Ebola deaths as small. It is important that we do all we can to help, but do keep in mind the AIDS issue is much larger and the press is not publishing that on the front page every chance they get.

How Can You Guard Yourself?

As we understand, Ebola is transmitted by people who come in contact with body fluids of a person that is displaying symptoms. The WHO says there is NO chance of you getting Ebola from someone who is not displaying symptoms.

Since we know that people with a weaker immune system can have more issues with viruses I would suggest using measures often used to avoid other viruses like the flu. Wash your hands after being in public and before eating. Avoid behavior that weakens the immune system such as: not getting enough sleep, eating processed foods (junk food), eating high sugar foods (soda, fast foods, poor quality foods), and not eating a balanced diet. Do look to the article, “How to Avoid Fall, Winter Colds & Flu with Food” to learn more about immune boosting.

Foods That Can Help

Foods that are rich in enzymes, minerals, vitamins and nutrition can help build the body. These foods can supply needed nutrients which can help build the immune system and the entire body. What are they? How about foods that are not commercially processed such as lacto-fermented foods.

Lacto-fermented foods give the body great amounts of natural enzymes, minerals, and vitamins. And what about all the great probiotics these foods contain that can help build the gut and strengthen the immune system. I can’t say enough about how great for you lacto-fermented foods can be, how about reading 7 Reasons I Will Never Stop Eating Fermented Foods, for more info. Do visit our store for our Lacto-fermenting eCourse, Cookbooks, and hardware needed to get started.

Sourdough is another great food that can help the body. There are various studies that show authentic sourdough contains natural acids that help fight candida, along with other yeasts and molds. Add to the fact that sourdough, if prepared correctly, is naturally about gluten-free. There are great nutrients and vitamins that are unlocked for the body during the sourdough process. Do visit our store for the Sourdough eCourse, Cookbooks, and hardware to make sourdough baking at home a breeze.

Be Smart About Your Reaction

The greatest advice I can give you about Ebola, or any other health concern, is to get the facts. The news systems are what they are, and they do like to hype. Use the internet to do your own research and find out the truth so you can “Be Smart About Your Reaction!”

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Disclaimer: The information in this post is meant for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice. None of the opinions are meant to diagnose or treat any disease or illness. You should always consult your healthcare provider.

About Jeff

Jeff Pearce is a board certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant and has coached hundreds of people in the Dallas/Fort Worth to help them achieve their health goals. If you would like more information about his services view the Health Consultations section. For those not in the physical area Distance Coaching is an option. A 15 minute "No Cost" informational consult is available, by phone, to chat and answer questions about services. To schedule your no cost informational consultation please contact us .


  1. So, does the “contact with body fluids” part include touching, say a doorknob, that an infected person has touched, if they have saliva or urine on their hands? I haven’t really heard that addressed on the news? Do you know?

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