Without Water You’re Drunk!

I know you're thinking, What are you talking about?! If I don't drink water I will be intoxicated? I know this sounds like some late night commercial, but becoming dehydrated does affect brain function. Skipping water does not give you a buzz, but it can have you perform simple tasks with the same amount of mistakes as a … [Read more...]

Viruses, Immune System, Secret Improvements

Watch the news for a few minutes and you will hear about some outbreak of; Influenza, H1N1, West Nile, Enterovirus D68, AIDS, or Ebola. Wow! Stop the train... I want to get off! What is going on? Remember when we were kids? There was nothing like this happening! So what has changed? What can we do about these seemingly … [Read more...]

Water, Easy Health Change

We have all heard the saying, "You are what you eat." How about a slight twist, "You are what you DRINK." The human body is made up of over 90% water. Your blood that transports nutrients is 82% water; your muscles that move your body are 75% water; your lungs that provide oxygen to your body are 90% water; your brain the … [Read more...]

Alkaline Water, Healthy or Harmful?

Water, we need it daily to survive and today there are many choices. Alkaline water systems have come on the market and are attracting attention, but are they healthy or harmful? I always believe that if people are informed they can make their own choices. So lets take a look and you can make up your own mind. What … [Read more...]

Big Berkey Water Filter System *Review*

We recently were given the chance to do a review of the Big Berkey Water Filter System. How could I say no? I had heard about these systems for years, but had never gotten my hands on one. If you are interested in an system that will remove everything bad (including lots of maintenance), while leaving you with pure great … [Read more...]

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