Lacto-fermenting Exposed – Truth Or Lie?

Many websites report lacto-fermenting as the holy grail of health, today we will examine some of these reports helping you to understand the fact or fiction shared. Stories are written about how eating lacto-fermented foods has helped heal many health issues, from gut digestive issues to life long health issues like … [Read more...]

10 Superfoods I Can’t Do Without!

We hear so much about superfoods that we need to eat to stay healthy, but have you noticed that they are often from a far off land and are very expensive. Sounds great for the seller of these superfoods, but not so great for the buyers --- you and me. You want to do right by your family, so you buckle down and buy that … [Read more...]

The First Step To Better Health

If you want to start eating healthy and feeling better, where do you start? Being a board certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant, this is a question I get asked all the time. I've found that simple changes are the ones that stick. Just make a small addition at first to your menu. What if I told you this thing you add … [Read more...]

4 Unknown Benefits Of Fermented Foods

Let me share with you 4 mostly unknown benefits of traditional fermented / lacto fermented foods. Some people already understand that fermented foods can help with digestive problems. In fact today more doctors are telling us that we can't completely eliminate digestive problems unless we improve the number of beneficial … [Read more...]

Got A Brain – You Need Traditional Foods!

As we left the farm and moved to the city our way of life changed. The horse was traded in for the automobile, wood stoves were upgraded to the modern electric range, and traditional diets were traded for fast foods. Worldwide we are seeing higher rates of obesity each year, along with increasing health problems. Add to … [Read more...]

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