Let me share with you 4 mostly unknown benefits of traditional fermented / lacto fermented foods. Some people already understand that fermented foods can help with digestive problems. In fact today more doctors are telling us that we can’t completely eliminate digestive problems unless we improve the number of beneficial bacteria in the gut. An easy way to do this is by consuming traditional fermented foods which are rich in lactic acid-producing bacteria.
Unknown Benefit #1: Traditional fermented / lacto fermented foods help balance the production of stomach acid. If the production of stomach acid is low, fermented foods can help increase the acidity of stomach acid. And the opposite is true that if the stomach produces too much acid, fermented foods help to protect the stomach and intestinal lining.
Unknown Benefit #2: Traditional fermented / lacto fermented foods are high in enzymes that help us to digest foods easier. If fermented foods are eaten once or twice a day they can help in the digestion of our other foods especially proteins like cooked meats, which do not contain digestive enzymes. Keep in mind as we age our enzyme totals in the body lower, so fermented foods can help give us a boost.
Unknown Benefit #3: Traditional fermented / lacto fermented foods can be beneficial for people with diabetes. Not only is pancreatic function improved, the carbohydrates in lactic acid-fermented (lacto fermented) foods have been broken down, removing the work that had to be done by the body when digesting ordinary carbohydrates.
Unknown Benefit #4: Traditional fermented / lacto fermented foods contain lactic acid and various other unknown compounds that destroy and inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria. During the 1950s, reports emerged showing fresh sauerkraut was effective in helping people with typhoid fever.

Fermented Foods Are Not New
You may or may not be familiar with fermented foods and historically speaking there has been a relationship with humans and fermented foods for most all time.
‘The processes required for fermented foods were present on earth when man appeared on the scene… When we study these foods, we are in fact studying the most intimate relationships between man, microbe and foods.’ – KH Steinkraus Ph.D., Cornell University
Wow! Fermented foods have been around for a long time. There are historical documents that show Chinese workers fermented cabbage as a food during the building of the Great Wall of China. Koreans have for centuries loved their kimchi (fermented spicy cabbage), today they have special refrigerators designed to hold it at the perfect temperature. Other cultures used sour milk products and lactic acid-fermented foods as dietary staples for thousands of years.
In fact, lactic acid-fermented cabbage has been revered as one of the most beneficial healing agents since early humans.
Before Christ walked the earth, Greeks were already enjoying and writing about the health benefits of fermented cabbage. Romans used sauerkraut to prevent intestinal infections, James Cook required his sailors take daily rations of fermented juice to prevent scurvy, and throughout Europe and Russia (kefir, yogurt, buttermilk, kvass, borscht) became a important part of their diet after centuries of use. Check of a great recipe for homemade sauerkraut.
The Original Veggie Fermenter (starter kit).
Just add the food and a jar
Fermented Foods Pull A Chair Up
Traditional fermented / lacto fermented foods are familiar, but like most good things you have to make them yourself if you want the best.
Yogurt is a very basic fermented food and many of us eat it daily, but how many of you make it at home? Why make it when I can just buy it, I bet you are thinking. Homemade yogurt has over 1,000 times higher levels of probiotics than store purchased yogurt has. It is so easy to make homemade yogurt at home. And if you want to be shown how to make yogurt at home we have the videos in our Lacto-fermenting eCourse.
Sauerkraut is a simple yet very beneficial fermented / lacto-fermented food that you can make at home. Yes, you guessed it, it is way better in probiotics than any store bought brand. And get this it lasts for months in the fridge, making it worth the short time it takes to put together.
Pickles made in the traditional fermented / lacto fermented manner are another food that is very high in probiotics and yup to get the benefits you have to make them yourself.
Don’t stop with these foods, most vegetables can be traditional fermented / lacto fermented. Now you see why our family eats these foods often. We have a great variety in the fridge and since they last we don’t have to make them every week. Learn how to make fermented foods with our eCourse, cookbooks, and hardware.
Sourdough is actually a traditional fermented / lacto fermented food that has powerful benefits. German scientists have discovered that a strain of lactic acid bacteria found in sourdough bread, can be more effective than other strains at killing microbes. It was shown in lab tests to quickly eliminate super-bugs resistant to most antibiotics. Nice! Again yes, you have to make it at home to be sure it is done correctly. No, you don’t have to make bread all the time. How about some sourdough pancakes, english muffins, cakes, etc. 10 Simple Lessons and You’ll Be Baking with Sourdough… Easily
Make Fermented Food At Home – Easily
Easy Start
I do encourage you to start making traditional fermented / lacto fermented foods part of your life and your family’s. We hear so many times how easy it is and how wonderful these foods taste. If you want to read more about fermented foods just jump in and start with these two articles.
- Lacto-fermentation: Ten Biggest Questions Answered **UPDATED**
- If You Are Eating Fermented Foods For Only This Reason, Stop! **Updated**
If you want to share how fermented foods are part of your life just leave a comment below.
2 out of 4 mentioned benefits I knew. Thanks author for other 2. Great article.