What’s That In My Ice Cream?!!!

What is better on a hot summer day than a nice bowl of Grandma's homemade ice cream, but I can't get that all the time. After all Grandma is not living in the backroom churning out the stuff. So, what about the stuff I buy at my local market, "It's not all that bad is it?" Well first, the frozen dairy industry is not … [Read more...]

“Maple” Butter-Pecan Ice Cream

Every-time I make homemade ice cream I am amazed at how good it tastes....so much better than store bought. Yeah it's a little work to make your own, but when you consider the ingredients that store-bought ice cream has in it you'll never complain again. (Read 'What's That In My Ice Cream?!!!' for more information.) … [Read more...]

Homemade “Premium” Vanilla Extract

Making your own homemade vanilla extract is so easy and tastes so much better than store bought. It takes a little time steeping in the alcohol...but it is definitely worth the wait. Homemade vanilla also makes wonderful gifts during the holidays. I like to use Dark Rum when making homemade vanilla extract for superb … [Read more...]

Homemade Chili-Powder Blend *

Homemade seasonings are easy to make, taste fresher than store-bought, and are typically much healthier due to the fact that they won’t contain harmful chemicals/additives in the form of anti-caking agents and so on. This chili powder blend can be used anywhere chili powder is called for. From soups and stews, to meat … [Read more...]

Homemade Seasoning Salt *

Fresh, homemade spices are tastier and healthier than their store-bought counter parts (which typically contain additives in the form of anti-caking agents).  It's so easy to make your own seasoning blends at home, and usually for a fraction of the cost. This homemade seasoning salt blend tastes similar (but even better) … [Read more...]

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