Lactose Intolerance VS. Lacto-fermentation

Fermented vegetables like sauerkraut, pickles, and other fermented foods are often called lacto-fermented vegetables. Some people think that because the word "lacto" is used it must contain some form of milk or milk product, but this is not the case, most of the time. Lacto In Lacto-fermentation? This method of … [Read more...]

Save Money, Heal, Toss Me A Bone!

"What! Did he mention two of my favorite topics?! Money and bones!" Well my friend Petey here does like bones, I think he said money to get your attention. lol Enough with the fun lets talk about bones. Doctors are telling us that it is very common for people to have mineral deficiencies. Our bodies use minerals for a … [Read more...]

Spirulina: A Whole Food Nutrient for Everyone

Spirulina is a type of fresh water blue-green algae that has been around for more than 3 billion years. It was used in ancient times as a food source for the Aztecs and then other Meso-Americans. This "super" green food is a powerhouse of nutrients. Spirulina is made up of 60% protein (an all vegetable source), even … [Read more...]

Do I Need Salt? Life or Death?

Wow, what a question? It would appear that we do after all it is in most foods, right? I mean fast food is packed full of salt (sodium) and the FDA looks over us so it must be ok, right? Let me say yes, we need salt to live, it is the basis of the electrolytes with in our body. But, all salt is not created … [Read more...]

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