Truth About Juicing

Have you been noticing the increased talk about juicing? Maybe you have had a juice bar open local to you? What is going on? Is it all worth it? Lets talk about the truths about juicing and cut through the hype! Why Juice? Juicing is the like eating lots of raw vegetables without all the chewing. By juicing you extract … [Read more...]

Germinated (Sprouted) Brown Rice

Brown Rice can be a nourishing food in your diet. But like all grains it contains Phytic Acid which blocks your absorption of those great nutrients. Soaking the brown rice alone is not enough to make these nutrients available. The rice must be germinated (sprouted) in order to get the most out of it. It is said that … [Read more...]

Spirulina: A Whole Food Nutrient for Everyone

Spirulina is a type of fresh water blue-green algae that has been around for more than 3 billion years. It was used in ancient times as a food source for the Aztecs and then other Meso-Americans. This "super" green food is a powerhouse of nutrients. Spirulina is made up of 60% protein (an all vegetable source), even … [Read more...]

Raw Milk – 8 Reasons It Is “The Perfect Food”

So, what makes raw milk so perfect? First let us establish what "Raw Milk" is, milk that has not been processed in anyway, no heating, no filtering, no separation of any kind. This "Raw Milk" is from grass (pesticide free) fed cows that have been spared the issues of recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH). Getting the … [Read more...]

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