Sweet & Tangy Dried Mango Slices

Dried mangoes make a great snack. Unfortunately the dried mangoes you find in the store usually have added sulphur dioxide and are coated in sugar; sometimes they even have artificial colorings as well. The good news is that it is easy to dry your own, all you need is an inexpensive dehydrator. These homemade mango snacks … [Read more...]

Lacto-fermented “Sweet & Spicy” Pickles

These pickles are slightly sweet with just a hint of spicy-ness. They taste similar to a bread and butter style pickle, but with the added benefits of lacto-fermentation. The bad thing about these tasty pickles are that they never seem to last in my house... they get eaten up so quickly. I just may have to lock the kids out … [Read more...]

Lacto-fermented Dill Pickle Slices *

We all love pickles here in our family. So much so that I planted multiple pickling cucumber bushes this year, and will definitely be making many jars of these lacto-fermented pickles. Lacto-fermentation is the natural-traditional process of "pickling" foods that creates the good for you bacteria, Probiotics, the ones that … [Read more...]

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