Sweet & Tangy Dried Mango Slices

Dried mangoes make a great snack. Unfortunately the dried mangoes you find in the store usually have added sulphur dioxide and are coated in sugar; sometimes they even have artificial colorings as well. The good news is that it is easy to dry your own, all you need is an inexpensive dehydrator. These homemade mango snacks … [Read more...]

“Fruitcake” Bites (Dried-Fruit Cookies)

There are those who love fruit cake and those who don't (to put it nicely). I fall into the latter of the two...it's definitely not one of my favorites to say the least. But these cookies are really quite good. The taste is reminiscent of fruitcake, but in a good way :) These cookies are made with plenty of "natural" dried … [Read more...]

Raw Nuts: How to Soak & Why?

Why Soak Raw Nuts? Raw nuts are one of natures most nutritious foods, though they must be properly prepared to gain all of the nutritious benefits within them. Raw nuts contain high amounts of phytic acid and enzyme inhibitors (a.k.a. anti-nutrients). These anti-nutrients act as a defense system to the nuts to keep them … [Read more...]

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