Just Eat It!

Ever feel like you are just being told to do things and not given much of a choice. Eating healthy is not a natural happening in the U.S. The Standard American Diet (SAD) is loaded with sugar and simple carbohydrates. Where did this diet come from? Would our "Mother Knows Best" Mom of the 50's who was into protecting her … [Read more...]

Big Berkey Water Filter System *Review*

We recently were given the chance to do a review of the Big Berkey Water Filter System. How could I say no? I had heard about these systems for years, but had never gotten my hands on one. If you are interested in an system that will remove everything bad (including lots of maintenance), while leaving you with pure great … [Read more...]

Tools You Need to Make a “Healthy” Lifestyle Change

Yes, the New Year is upon us. It’s a time to reflect on this past year and what we would like to change for the better, particularly in our health. Nutrition, the way we eat, certainly has an enormous impact on our health and wellness. Have you been eating the way you want to? The way you should? Maybe you have good … [Read more...]

Will You Make A Change For Your Child?

There are toxins all around us in many forms. Our children are bombarded with them before they are even born and it continues as they grow up with their toys. It is easy to make small changes that continue to add up. You can help others, share what you know with others, share websites you visit, share what products you … [Read more...]

Hidden Dangers in Kids Meals – GMO!

We all need to understand the issues with GMO foods. I can't stress enough how much this is harming our health. And this does not take years to show up in our bodies, reactions can happen in just a few days to weeks. How can we begin to try to eat healthy if the core food is bad to begin with. Here is a short film that … [Read more...]

Cooking God's Way - www.cookinggodsway.com