Grandma’s Creamed Cucumbers (CGW Style)

My grandmother would make these wonderful “creamed” cucumbers during the hot summer months…and they were always cool and refreshing. Her recipe called for a lot of refined sugar, so I’ve taken it and updated it in CGW (Cooking God’s Way) style. It’s still absolutely yummy and refreshing on a hot day, but uses natural sweeteners and less sweetener over-all. So it is definitely a healthier version with a slightly sweet, still tangy, and refreshingly cool taste.

  • 4 large cucumbers, peeled and cut into 1/8″ thick slices (I use my mandoline slicer for the best results)
  • 1 small mild onion, thinly sliced
  • 3 cups raw whole milk
  • 6 Tablespoons raw honey, softened slightly if needed
  • 6 Tablespoons raw apple cider vinegar
  • dash (1/8 tsp.) of sea salt

Layer sliced cucumber and onion in a large 1/2-gallon jar (2-quart), pack 3/4 full. (If you want you could just put it all in a large, non-reactive bowl, instead of a jar…but I prefer using a jar.)

In a separate bowl/container, mix together the milk, honey, apple cider vinegar, and salt. Mix until honey is completely dissolved.

Pour milk mixture over the cucumber-onion slices, allowing to completely cover. Cover jar with lid and place in fridge to marinate for 24 hours to allow the full flavor to develop. Serve cold.

Makes 1/2-gallon (or 2-quarts).

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