Lemons, Pucker Up and Reap the Benefits!

Lemons on TreeLemons, we have all tasted these football-shaped, little yellow packages of “sour”. But did you know that these little suckers that make you pucker have great health, digestion, and nutrition properties? What, you didn’t?! Well read on to understand more about this great little fruit and how it needs to be in your life.

Health Properties

  • Soothe A Sore Throat – lemon and honey mixed together can help with the discomfort of a sore throat.
  • Lower Blood Pressure – just sniffing a lemon has been shown to lower blood pressure by a few points.
  • Flush Toxins – some lemon juice and water in the morning can help flush toxins.
  • Adjust pH – lemon juice can aid in maintaining correct pH levels.
  • Clean Colon – the pectin in lemons helps to keep the colon clean and also serves as a powerful antibacterial.

Digestion Properties

Lemons are used in many recipes and help give a nice perk to the taste. Maybe it goes deeper than just taste… how about helping with digestion? Ever notice lemons or lemon juice is often used in dishes that contain a high amount of fat? A good chef understands digestion much more than you think.

Lemons can help:

  • Start the bodies digestive engine by encouraging the production of bile.
  • The body breakdown fats for easier digestion. Squeeze some on my Salmon please!
  • Liquefy bile so it will flow better during digestion.
  • Have a calming affect on the body by soothing the digestive system.

Nutritional Properties

Lemons may be small in size, but they contain great amounts of vitamins. Don’t pass them up when they are in season at the market.

  • Rich source of vitamin C, which helps boost the immune system.
  • Great source of potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium.
  • Helps helps replenish body salts especially after a strenuous workout session.

Great All Around Fruit

Wow, that little yellow fruit sure has a lot to offer for health, digestion and nutrition. How can you get some of these great benefits in your life daily. Easy! Just try starting the day with a glass of water and lemon juice. Fresh squeezed organic lemon juice would be the best source for that daily lemon hit.

How about some of our favorite drink and meal recipes for other ways to get lemons into your daily diet.

Here are some great Drinks using lemons: Strawberry Lemonade, Lemonade or Limeade, Lemon or Lime Mint Freeze, and Chia Fresca.

For some Meals that use lemon try: Creamy Lemon & Dill Baked Salmon, Pure & Simple Lentil Soup, Lemon & Herb Garlic Chicken, or Lemon-Caper Sauce (served over cooked chicken or fish).

How about some “sweet & sour” lemon Desserts? Lemon Cake with Honey-Lemon Glaze, Lemon-Blueberry Coconut Flour Muffins, Lemon Strawberry Tart, and Lemon Sherbet.

 If you want to read more about lemons and their benefits here is another article “When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Lemonade.”

Please Note: This post may contain sponsor, affiliate, and/or referral links.

Disclaimer: The information in this post is meant for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice. None of the opinions are meant to diagnose or treat any disease or illness. You should always consult your healthcare provider.

About Jeff

Jeff Pearce is a board certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant and has coached hundreds of people in the Dallas/Fort Worth to help them achieve their health goals. If you would like more information about his services view the Health Consultations section. For those not in the physical area Distance Coaching is an option. A 15 minute "No Cost" informational consult is available, by phone, to chat and answer questions about services. To schedule your no cost informational consultation please contact us .


  1. LOVE lemons! What a great post. Excited to try your lemon sorbet. It sounds divine!

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