Ebola, Take The Quiz, Rest Easy

Ebola, it is all over the news today! There is now 1 confirmed death in Dallas, TX, just miles from our home. This is the hot topic of today and I have been asked by many if I am concerned about it. My answer: "No, not really!" Now I understand that sounds really uncaring or totally ignorant, but let me share with … [Read more...]

How to Avoid Fall, Winter Colds & Flu with Food

We are getting out of the heat and fall is starting. For you this might not be a big deal, but for us living in Texas, I am so glad the 100+ degree days are gone!  I even got to open up the house and let some cool air in! Now that I have let off some steam so to speak, lets face some facts. Cold weather means more people … [Read more...]

Why I Love Sourdough… and You Should Too!

I love Sourdough because it allows me to make all kinds of delicious (and healthy) baked goods -- such as crackers, pizzas crusts, dinner rolls, tortillas, pancakes/waffles, muffins, cupcakes, cinnamon rolls... The list goes on and on.  Just think about it... If it's a baked good, you can probably make it with … [Read more...]

#1 Food Secret, Do You Know It!

What if I told you there is one food secret that could change your life. And what if this food secret was something that after adding it to your diet it affected your chance of heart attack, lowered cholesterol, increased digestion, helped you lose weight, built up your immune system, fights disease, aides in detoxification … [Read more...]

3 Benefits of Sourdough

Bread! We have to admit most of us like to eat it. Heck, think about your favorite dinner and I bet it has bread or grains with it, or in it. Am I right? There are books and blogs that tell us the only way to be healthy is to remove all breads/grains from our diet forever. Just a second! When I look at pictures of people … [Read more...]

Cooking God's Way - www.cookinggodsway.com