Top 5 Benefits of Fermented Foods

Ever wondered about the great benefits of lacto-fermented foods and sourdough products? Maybe match up what you are interested in with the food that derives the benefits? To help you decide, here is a list of different topics with the associated benefits. The benefits are followed by if this is something that lacto-fermentation or sourdough can offer. Take a look through the list and see if there are some benefits you would like, and click on the link to read more about that benefit.

Healthy Side Affects

It is wonderful when you can see healthy side affects happening from eating foods you love. Notice that these side affects are some big headline topics with Doctors.

Complements Body Health

Eating foods that are healthy is great, but what about foods that help the body to accomplish its daily tasks? Keep in mind; everything you can do to help take the work out of digestion is a plus in helping your health. Reducing the energy needed to digest food leaves more for play, work, and healing.

Nutritional Values Increased

Lacto-fermented foods have nutritional values that are greater than the raw foods before they were fermented. This is a neat result of lacto-fermenting foods. As they ferment, the cell structure and bacteria are changed to be more friendly to the body. This results in foods that give benefits such as:

Fight Seasonal Issues

I have to say, taking pills is a drag. Along with getting shots. And it is being reported that more often, these do not help protect you from seasonal health issues such as colds, flu, etc. It might be great to know that there are foods that can help in these areas. And since 80% of your immune system is part of your digestive tract, then could it be that what you eat can have a large influence?

Fixes Food Issues

Today our foods are sprayed, powdered, and dunked in toxins. Many of these take the forms of pesticides/herbicides that are sprayed on foods from as soon as they sprout. Scrubbing with veggie wash will not wash away these toxins housed in the cells of the vegetables. Many jump to buying organic vegetables in a hope to avoid these issues. What if you can’t afford all organics? And what the Earth is just being polluted, making organic questionable?

I know this is not a total list of the possible benefits, but it is a good start. Pipe in below if you have additional topics I did not list.

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Disclaimer: The information in this post is meant for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice. None of the opinions are meant to diagnose or treat any disease or illness. You should always consult your healthcare provider.

About Jeff

Jeff Pearce is a board certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant and has coached hundreds of people in the Dallas/Fort Worth to help them achieve their health goals. If you would like more information about his services view the Health Consultations section. For those not in the physical area Distance Coaching is an option. A 15 minute "No Cost" informational consult is available, by phone, to chat and answer questions about services. To schedule your no cost informational consultation please contact us .


  1. Marie DeHondt says

    Can I use gluten free flour to make bread?

    • Marie, You can’t use gluten free flour to make sourdough items. The sourdough culture needs gluten for food since it eats it. This creates a low gluten or gluten free bread depending on your processing time.



    • Barb, while fermented foods and drinks all work on the same basic idea, each produces different forms of bacteria. Yogurt as an example is a great pre-biotic, while sauerkraut is a great pro-biotic. Kombucha will have a whole different set of beneficial bacteria and helpful acids since it is based on tea and sugar. Just like that we need to eat a balanced menu of foods we need a variety of helpful fermented foods.- Jeff

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