Raw vs. Cooked vs. Fermented Vegetables, The Winner?

We have heard that it is healthy to eat your vegetables raw? I bet many of us have heard that one time or another. Many experts push raw vegetables as being anti-cancer along with aiding to long life. The reasoning is that raw vegetables lose their vitamins and enzymes during the cooking process. What if I told you I … [Read more...]

7 Reasons I Will Never Stop Eating Fermented Foods

Often people ask me why I eat fermented foods. Off the top of my head I can come up with 7 reasons. You will be surprised by everything that lacto-fermented foods can do for you; increased digestion, strengthened immune system, balancing blood sugar, protecting from stress, and tasting great. Let me share them with you and … [Read more...]

Cheesy “Leftover Pasta” Frittata

This frittata is easy to prepare -- making it a perfect meal to throw together on a last minute notice. Great for surprise guests or just when you need a fast, delicious, nutritious meal for breakfast, brunch-lunch, or even dinner! Feel free to use your favorite vegetables, cheese(s), and herbs/spices in this dish as … [Read more...]

Oxtail & Barley Soup

If you've never had oxtails, then you really should try them some time. Oxtails come from a steer's tail, which is a well exercised muscle that is marbled with fat. The tail is broken up into segments, which are vertebrae so in-turn they are rich in marrow as well. This soup is a delicious and easy way to use … [Read more...]

Irradiation of Food: Is it really safe?

What is irradiation? Irradiation is a form of decontamination that is used to kill microorganisms, bacteria, yeasts, molds, etc. It is used to help extend the shelf life of food products like dried herbs, teas, potatoes, flour, vegetables, fruits and more. In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has … [Read more...]

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