Homemade Chicken Broth-Stock

There’s nothing that compares to homemade broth or stock. It’s full of nutrients and minerals that are easily assimilated by the body. And not to mentions it’s just delicious – on it’s own or as the base for any homemade soup, stew, or sauce. Broth is very easy to make at home with a little time and a few ingredients. … [Read more...]

Pink Slime On The Way Out?

A small victory has been made in the war against unhealthy processed food. "Pink Slime," is a meat product that is made up of ground beef and an industrial ammonia-laced byproduct. Beef Products Inc. (BPI) is temporarily closing some of its pink slime production plants as a result of public out cry. Pink Slime In case … [Read more...]

Korean-Style Chicken

This Korean-style chicken was inspired by the recent trip we took to our local Korean grocery store (read about it here). We served it with Kimchi and steamed rice... it turned out to be a fun and really tasty meal. I can't wait to make it again! 1 1/2 pounds boneless, skinless Chicken Thighs 1/2 cup garbanzo bean … [Read more...]

Pumpkin-Apple & Chicken Soup “Baked” in a Pumpkin

This pumpkin soup is all about flavor and presentation. I got the inspiration from watching my favorite cooking shows, "Good Eats" on the Food Network. It's a beautiful dish that is baked right "inside" the pumpkin itself. This soup is perfect for the holiday season, and is great for parties and family … [Read more...]

Lemon-Pepper Seasoning Blend *

Making your own homemade seasoning blends couldn't be easier. They're better tasting than those bottles that have been sitting on the store shelve for who knows how long, and not to mention healthier due to the fact that they won't contain harmful chemicals/additives in the form of anti-caking agents and so on. This … [Read more...]

Cooking God's Way - www.cookinggodsway.com