Top 10 “Best of 2010” from Cooking God’s Way

Well it is a New Year, hope everyone had a great 2010! I know that this year, 2011, is going to be an even better year. With that said, let's have a quick look back over some of the most popular posts for 2010. They may surprise you, as some of them did us. So just sit back and enjoy the start of your New Year. :) Top … [Read more...]

A Readers Question, Answered In 3 Parts.

Recently a Cooking God's Way reader posted a question to me; What foods are good to avoid cancer? It is such a good question that I wanted to address it here on the blog for all to partake of. The answer may surprise some of our readers, while others will understand and nod approval. First, I want to start off by stating … [Read more...]

7 Tips To Avoiding Extra Weight During The Holiday

Wow, are there some super delish things to eat during the holiday's or what?!! It is that holiday time of year already? We made it through Thanksgiving and now we get to enjoy Christmas. Did you know on the average people consume up to 4,500 calories a day during the holiday season. "How can that happen?!" you say. Let's … [Read more...]

“When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Lemonade.”

"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.", we have all heard of that quote, but little did we know how healthy it can be for us if we take it literally. What I am saying is eat, drink, or consume them anyway you want, but get some lemon daily if you can. Lemons are rich in nutrients, just one tablespoon contains 10% … [Read more...]

What Is Hidden in Canned Food?

We all know canned food is not as good as fresh! But, there are other concerns to know about eating canned food that go past its taste and nutritional value. How about the can itself, what is it leaching into our foods that we eat daily. The FDA estimates that 17% of the American diet is made up of canned foods. Maybe this … [Read more...]

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