“Fluffy” Buttery Cream-Cheese Frosting *

This super fluffy, buttery cream cheese frosting is great for topping most any cake. Such as this coconut cake, or carrot cake, spice cake, even chocolate cake. You won't even miss the sugar in this recipe...though if you are not on a sugar-restricted diet, you may use honey to sweeten this frosting in-place of the stevia - … [Read more...]

“Coconut-Pecan Frosting” for German Chocolate Cake

When I was growing up, my Mom would make me a German-Chocolate cake every year for my Birthday. It was, and still is, my absolute favorite cake! Of course she always made a boxed version and covered it with a tub of frosting. Of course I never complained...I actually looked forward to it and loved every bite of the … [Read more...]

“Fruitcake” Bites (Dried-Fruit Cookies)

There are those who love fruit cake and those who don't (to put it nicely). I fall into the latter of the two...it's definitely not one of my favorites to say the least. But these cookies are really quite good. The taste is reminiscent of fruitcake, but in a good way :) These cookies are made with plenty of "natural" dried … [Read more...]

Chocolate Cupcakes

These chocolate cupcakes are simple and easy to make. They are soaked overnight in order to neutralize phytic acid, which makes them more digestible and nutritious. Read more about phytic acid in whole wheat. If you'd like these cupcakes to have a richer, more chocolaty flavor just add a little pure chocolate extract to … [Read more...]

Vanilla Cupcakes

These vanilla cupcakes are simple and easy to make. They are soaked overnight in order to neutralize phytic acid, which makes them more digestible and nutritious. Read more about phytic acid in whole wheat. Frost them with either Dark Chocolate Ganache OR Whipped Cream-Cheese Frosting, they taste great both ways … [Read more...]

Cooking God's Way - www.cookinggodsway.com