Eating Healthy, Just Don’t!

What is the secret to eating healthy? I see some succeed, but many fail. So how do you do it? You may get many different ideas when asking your friends; like trading out one type of food for another? Or by just not eating all fast food and junk? Skipping all wheat or dairy? Then there is the group that wants to count … [Read more...]

Make That 1 Change.

Wow! It is 2012, Happy New Year. The new year brings new opportunity. I kind of look at the new year as a time to start fresh. Pick something you want to learn or change in your life and make it a point to work toward. May I suggest a health change? Here is what I often share with people when I am consulting them about … [Read more...]

Tools You Need to Make a “Healthy” Lifestyle Change

Yes, the New Year is upon us. It’s a time to reflect on this past year and what we would like to change for the better, particularly in our health. Nutrition, the way we eat, certainly has an enormous impact on our health and wellness. Have you been eating the way you want to? The way you should? Maybe you have good … [Read more...]

Daily Recipes…more than a cookbook. Available NOW!

If your cooking isn't changing your health the way you need it, help is on the way. If you want to know exactly what you need to start cooking healthy now to improve your health, we can tell you. In fact, We’re going to personally send you our cookbook, which contains recipes have been used in real life health … [Read more...]

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