Fighting The Good Fight, Healthy Lifestyle!

I was speaking with one of my fellow healthy lifestyle journeyers the other day, who confided in me and asked if we ever felt a healthy lifestyle was a lost cause in Today's world. Here is some of what was covered in the conversation. When it comes to eating healthy do you feel that you are fighting a losing battle? The … [Read more...]

Tools You Need to Make a “Healthy” Lifestyle Change

Yes, the New Year is upon us. It’s a time to reflect on this past year and what we would like to change for the better, particularly in our health. Nutrition, the way we eat, certainly has an enormous impact on our health and wellness. Have you been eating the way you want to? The way you should? Maybe you have good … [Read more...]

30 Day Raw Milk Fast Is A Diet After-all

In October of 2010 I went on a 30 Day RawMilk fast. It is now 60 days later and I thought it was time to revisit the results and give you an update of where I am today because of the Raw Milk Fast. I did not go on the diet because of it healing or its weight-loss abilities, which I have read many articles about. Being a raw … [Read more...]

For New Years Don’t Focus On Dieting

Is losing weight your New Year's resolution? Don't focus on dieting instead look at what makes up your diet. There are many diets out on the market and every one claims it is better than the one from last year or even last month. Think about it, we can put a man on the moon, but we can't find a diet that works for the … [Read more...]

The Next Step In Your Easy Healthy Change!

Alright, you have decided that improving your health is one of your major goals for 2011! Many of you may be thinking, "I don't know what to do exactly, guess I will just eat better". But what is better? Where do I start? If you missed yesterdays article, Do You Want A Healthy Change? Start the Easy Way!, start there and … [Read more...]

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